Last Patient Implanted for the Evoke Study

On Friday, February 23rd, Summit Pain Alliance’s last patient enrolled for the Evoke Study with Saluda Medical was implanted at Sonoma Valley Hospital by Dr. Eric Lee. This implant closes the door to new enrollments since enrollment has now been reached.
Congratulations to our Providers, Managers, Surgery Schedulers, Psychologists, Research staff and everybody involved for your hard work in making this possible. It has been an incredible journey and the Saluda team has become part of our family. We are thankful for being given the opportunity to participate in the development of such groundbreaking technology. This will be a revolutionary advance in neuromodulation. We have come a long way since February 2017 when we consented the first patient.
Study Facts as of March 1, 2018:
Patients Screened: 27
Patients Enrolled: 6
Revisions: 1
The study is now closed for new patients. There is still a lot of work ahead of us, collecting the data from our study subjects and getting the best results possible from them. We are excited for the next milestone: the 3 month primary endpoint which is around the corner. We have to thank Saluda Medical for all the help and support we have received up to this point in the study, it has been a pleasure to work with them so far and they have definitely made our work easier.
About the Evoke™ Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Millions of people struggle with chronic pain in their back and legs. Oftentimes, the pain is caused by an underlying condition that puts pressure on spinal nerves – such as a herniated disc, bone spurs, or spinal stenosis. Many people have surgery to correct these issues but continue to have nerve pain even after the surgery is fully healed.
People experience nerve pain very differently. For some, the pain causes tingling or numbness, or travels along a path (shooting pain). For others, the pain is burning or stabbing, or overly sensitive to touch. Due to these complexities, many people struggle through months or years of treatments without finding a suitable option.
The Evoke SCS System is an investigational device for the treatment of chronic pain, currently being offered at select U.S. centers through the Evoke Clinical Study. The Evoke System is designed to continuously measure the body’s response to stimulation, and can be programmed to automatically adjust stimulation levels to the patient’s preferred level.
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