Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Specialist

Summit Pain Alliance

Pain Management Specialists located in Santa Rosa, CA & Petaluma, CA

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a rare, but disruptive, pain disorder that typically only affects one part, or regions, of your body. Summit Pain Alliance in Santa Rosa and Petaluma, California, provides customized interventional pain management plans to alleviate your CRPS symptoms and restore your quality of life. Call Summit Pain Alliance, or make an appointment online today for expert, personalized care.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Q & A

What is CRPS?

CRPS is a chronic pain disorder that usually affects one part of your body, such as an arm or a leg. There are two types of CRPS. Type 1 CRPS develops after a mild or moderate injury that doesn’t cause nerve damage, like a sprained ankle. Type 2 CRPS emerges after a more serious injury like a fracture or severe infection that caused nerve damage. CRPS is rare, and ongoing research may further refine the types of the condition.

What are the symptoms of CRPS?

CRPS causes severe, continuous pain that’s usually confined to a limb. The pain is often described as burning or electric. You might also become hypersensitive to touch and find that even the most gentle of touches or a change in temperature can trigger excruciating pain. CRPS can also cause other disruptive and uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Changes in skin temperature
  • Swelling
  • Sweating
  • Variations in skin color and texture
  • Changes to your finger and toenails
  • Painful, stiff joints
  • Lost muscle coordination
  • Tremors and other abnormal movements in the affected limb

If your symptoms interfere with your use of the limb, you might also develop muscle atrophy, which reduces your strength and can interfere with your balance and mobility. 

How is CRPS diagnosed?

Summit Pain Alliance performs a physical exam and uses a variety of tests to diagnose CRPS. There’s no single test to identify this chronic pain condition, so your team needs to rule out other conditions that could be causing your pain. Some of the tests necessary to confirm a CRPS diagnosis include blood tests, ultrasounds, MRIs, X-rays, and electrodiagnostic testing. Your provider might also use thermography to measure your skin temperature at different points on your body.

How is CRPS treated?

Summit Pain Alliance provides customized treatment plans to reduce your CRPS symptoms. The team uses a multidisciplinary approach aiming to address the underlying cause of your pain instead of merely masking your symptoms. Some of the treatments that might relieve your pain include:

  • Peripheral nerve blocks
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation
  • Acupuncture
  • Cortisone injections
  • Sympathetic nerve blocks
  • Spinal cord stimulation

If you have chronic pain that could be CRPS, call Summit Pain Alliance, or make an appointment online today for customized care to alleviate your pain and restore your quality of life. 

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